近年来,我们已经目睹了新型特种聚合物的巨大发展。例如,氢化丁腈橡胶( HNBR )、氯醚橡胶(ECO)、新型过氧化物硫化氟橡胶及其他橡胶。由于我们要这些新型聚合物和过去所有熟知的合成橡胶中有广阔的选择余地,我们不得不问自己,混炼型聚氨酯橡胶是否真的有存在的必要性?
In recent years, we have witnessed the tremendous development of new special polymers. For example, hydrogenated nitrile rubber (HNBR), Chloroether rubber (ECO), new peroxide vulcanized fluorine rubber and other rubber. Since we want these new polymers to have a wide range of choices from all the synthetic rubbers we've known in the past, we have to ask ourselves whether it's really necessary to have mixed polyurethane rubbers.
不但特殊性能要求越来越高(例如耐油和耐燃油、耐热稳定性、低温柔性、高硬度等) ,而且对产品的综合性能提出了更高要求。混炼型聚氨酯橡胶因其基本组分可变而使其性能变化范围较其他合成橡胶大得多。通过采用各种各样的混炼型聚氨酯橡胶,可能获得以下各项性能:
Not only the special performance requirements are getting higher and higher (such as oil and fire resistant oil, heat stability, low temperature flexibility, high hardness, etc.), but also the comprehensive performance of the product put forward higher requirements. Mixed polyurethane rubber has a much wider range of performance changes than other synthetic rubber due to its variable basic components. By adopting a wide range of blended polyurethane rubber, the following properties can be obtained:
机械性能 例如耐磨性和拉伸强度比所有已知的天然橡胶或合成橡胶好的多。特别是在高硬度下,混炼胶可保持较好的流动性,硫化胶除具有弹性、耐磨性好外,还具有较好的综合机械性能;
Mechanical properties such as abrasion resistance and tensile strength are much better than all known natural rubber or synthetic rubber. Especially at high hardness, the blended rubber can maintain good fluidity, vulcanizate not only has good elasticity and wear resistance, but also has good comprehensive mechanical properties.
硬度范围 各种各样的混炼型聚氨酯橡胶可有针对性加工成 25A 到 60D 不同硬度的胶料, 并使其综合性能达到较好水平;
A variety of hardness range of blended polyurethane rubber can be processed into 25A to 60D different hardness of the rubber, and make its comprehensive performance to a better level;
耐油和耐燃油好于 NBR 或 HNBR 。在 ASTMT1 号和 2 号标准油中,该种橡胶未发生溶涨,同时物理机械性能也没有降低。甚至在接近最高使用温度时,其在容易产生溶涨的 3 号标准油中这些硫化胶仍基本未变;
Oil resistance and fuel resistance are better than NBR or HNBR. In ASTMT1 and 2 standard oils, the rubber did not swell and its physical and mechanical properties did not decrease. These vulcanizates remain basically unchanged in standard oil No. 3, which is prone to swelling, even near the maximum operating temperature.
气体渗透性低,可以与 IIR 橡胶媲美。在这点上,通过过氧化物交联的橡胶具有特别突出的性能;
Gas permeability is low, and can be comparable to IIR rubber. At this point, peroxide crosslinked rubber has a particularly outstanding performance.
耐臭气性与 EPDM 相当。过氧化物和异氰酸酯硫化的混炼型聚氨酯橡胶具有饱和的网状结构。
The odor resistance is comparable to that of EPDM. The blended polyurethane rubber vulcanized by peroxide and isocyanate has a saturated network structure.
So these rubbers are basically not damaged by odors. Even when sulfur is sulfurized, the double bond is fixed on the side chain of the polymer, so it still has high resistance to odor.
耐高温性能 常规品种的混炼型聚氨酯橡胶只能长期在 80℃以下使用。 但有些品种可耐 110℃高温,间歇耐高温可达 150℃;
The conventional high temperature resistant polyurethane rubber can only be used for a long time below 80 C. However, some varieties can withstand high temperatures at 110 degrees centigrade, and can withstand high temperatures at 150 degrees centigrade intermittently.
低温柔性可以达到 -55℃。有一点非常有利, 即在某些应用中, 即使当温度低于其玻璃化温度时,该橡胶仍不脆化。根据填料的填充量以及橡胶类型的不同,其脆化温度甚至可低至 -70℃;
Low temperature flexibility can reach -55 degrees. It is advantageous to note that in some applications the rubber does not embrittle even when the temperature is below its glass transition temperature. The brittleness temperature can be even as low as -70 C according to the filling amount of filler and the type of rubber.
加工性能 可以根据不同硬度,选择聚合不同门尼粘度的橡胶。
Processing properties can be selected according to different hardness, polymerization of rubber with different Mooney viscosity.
储存性能 储存性能稳定。
Storage performance is stable.