模板清理、刷脱模剂及支模的要求 |
添加时间:2019/12/3 15:31:35 浏览次数: |
模板清理、刷脱模剂及支模的要求 Requirements for formwork cleaning, application of release agent and formwork erection ①支模之前要检查橡胶条是否脱落,发现脱落要马上粘牢或者更换,否则不能支模。 ① before formwork erection, check whether the rubber strip falls off. If it falls off, immediately stick or replace it. Otherwise, formwork erection is not allowed. ②橡胶条表面和模板顶口的灰渣必须清理干净之后再支立模板。 ② the ash on the surface of rubber strip and the top of formwork must be cleaned before formwork erection. ③每次支立模板之前必须用角磨机将模板表面打磨干净,以提高混凝土表面的光洁度。 ③ before erecting the formwork every time, the surface of the formwork must be polished with an angle grinder to improve the smoothness of the concrete surface. ④脱模剂使用色拉油。脱模剂不得多刷,以不成股向下流为宜,防止污染底口的混凝土。 ④ use salad oil as release agent. The release agent shall not be applied more than once, and it is better not to flow down as a strand to prevent the concrete at the bottom from being polluted. |
上一页 混凝土脱模剂的选择标准 |
下一页 脱模剂转移率 |
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